Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy
Working with the Body, Mind, Spirit and Emotion, at the Soul Level of the client; Elizabeth has a unique ability to shift energy imbalances into Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Harmony. A Divine Guidance Session with Elizabeth is given with the client lying down, fully clothed and taken through a guided meditation. A typical session may last anywhere from three to four hours. A session is designed in partnership with the client’s Sub-conscious / Higher-self with their best interest at heart. This allows higher levels of health, happiness and the answers to their questions to occur.
Elizabeth does not claim to be a Physician, nutritionist or counselor of any type. When necessary she will refer the client to the appropriate professional. Please advise Elizabeth of any pertinent medical history, any medications you are taking and of any acute or chronic conditions before the session. Each session is designed specifically for each client and may differ from one session to the next. It is understood that she will not be held responsible or liable in any way for existing conditions or from problems arising from information withheld about any underlying medical problems. This session is not meant to replace conventional medical care. However, a session will not interfere and may complement by reducing stress and helping the client to become more in touch with their inner wisdom and the laws of nature.
A session will usually leave you feeling balanced, relaxed and/ or energized. As a practitioner, Elizabeth has helped to awakened your internal energies. Your body will naturally take over, making any necessary changes to begin the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Sometimes these changes are very subtle, other times quite obvious.
Please contact Elizabeth at any time, if you have any questions or concerns.
Each soul has its own path and its own timing. What works for one is not appropriate for another and therefore different experiences are always made. All of them are beneficial. QHHT sessions are as individual as the people who experience them. Even we, as practitioners can't predict what the Subconscious is going to reveal. Over the years, we have learned to trust. When cooperating with the Subconscious, nothing can be forced. Whatever happens is what is necessary and possible for each client. Always working on the next layer in their growth for their Soul’s highest good. In our experience, the more relaxed and unbiased the client is when going into a session, the more wonderful the experience will be. Believe. Trust. Allow. Everything is possible!
Believe you can... and you will !