Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy
What is Divine Guidance?
The Divine Guidance Session allows the client to choose not only Past lives but Future, Present, in-Between or Parallel lives to visit as well as teaching the client how to reach these states of consciousness and requesting a body scan and healing on their own and learning how to maintain connection to their Higher Self.
What is QHHT ?
QHHT ~ Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy involves inducing a client into the somnambulistic state of consciousness through a guided meditation. Here, the Client can access their Higher-self which has answers to their questions as well as visiting a past life and healing.
Founder of Ancient Wisdom LLC, Elizabeth 'Rainbow Dancer' Desrochers is a Shaman, Doctor of Divinity, Author, Spiritual Healer, Creator of the Divine Guidance Session, Certified (QHHT) Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy practitioner, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified NLP Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Biofeedback Specialist who has trained with Masters from all over the world and Beyond.
Elizabeth is a Teacher of Healers; a gifted Visionary with a unique ability to create wellness and happiness in each clients life as they connect with their Divine guidance.
Contact Elizabeth for Book Signings, Speaking engagements, consultations, ceremony, classes,
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy, Divine Guidance Sessions, Group Regressions and Holistic sessions.